
Made in Austria

transizione rapida e confortevole

0.6 secondi da chiaro a scuro e viceversa.

eVARiO tecnologia affidabile . Funziona anche dietro al parabrezza.

LST® bright blue mirror base lens:

Effetto di intensificazione del contrasto e di schiarimento, oltre a una migliore visione in condizioni di luce diffusa.

Unità fotovoltaica

Il sistema LCD è alimentato da una cella fotovoltaica integrata. Non servono batterie o ricariche.

Sistema LCD

Il sistema LCD trasforma il colore delle lenti passando dalla categoria C2 alla categoria C3 a seconda della luminosità. Veloce e automatico

Maurice Clavel -  Pro Triathlete

Especially in triathlon, where you’re reaching high speeds in descents and passing through dark and bright light conditions, speed matters. The e-VARiO lens adapts so rapidly that I’m able to totally focus on my race.

Maurice Clavel - Pro Triathlete

Joris Ryf - Swiss E-MTB Champion

The races are getting faster and faster. So, it's ideal when the sports eyewear adapt to varying light conditions in under a second. That means my focus isn’t interrupted and I’m 100% concentrated on my performance.

Joris Ryf - Swiss E-MTB Champion

Jana Gigele - Road cyclist

When you ride a road bike through tunnels or avalanche gallery tunnels, you have a wide variety of lighting conditions. The e-VARiO reacts so rapidly to light changes and that really helps me to react faster in curves and difficult passages.

Jana Gigele - Road cyclist

Fabian Costa - ex XC MTBer

This new technology in sports eyewear is extremely cool - especially when mountain biking in the forest, there are a lot of sudden light and shadow situations - the e-VARiO compensates perfectly for that.

Fabian Costa - ex XC MTBer

Anna Holzer - Road cyclist

The e-VARiO responds incredibly fast. It dims and brightens in under a second. This is a brilliant feature, especially in biking, and it helps take the athlete to the next level.

Anna Holzer - Road cyclist

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